NEWS | 2020/03/27 | LKRO

KIDAPAWAN CITY – THE CITY GOVERNMENT HERE fully implemented a Community Quarantine as a measure to prevent and contain the spread of the COVID19.
On March 16, 2020, City Mayor Joseph Evangelista issued Executive order 025 series of 2020 placing Kidapawan City under Community Quarantine and providing for enforcement mechanisms due to COVID19 threat.
Past 7 in the morning on March 18, 2020, City Health Office personnel together with elements of the PNP and Philippine Army checked all motorists and passengers passing through the entry points of the city.
All passengers and drivers are being checked for their body temperature through the use of thermal scanners.
Passengers are ordered to disembark from the motor vehicles and made to pass through the thermal scanning stations and checked for presence of fever.
Once a passenger exceeds the 37.5 degrees body temperature, he/she will be confined to an isolation room and will undergo an intake interview.
All queuing passengers must observe social distancing to avoid possible contamination and are told to sanitize their hands with alcohol solutions and hand sanitizers provided by the health authorities.
Vehicles carrying passengers on the other hand are unloaded and disinfected.
In relation to this development, all public utility vehicles, including public buses, utility vans, jeepneys and multicabs, are prohibited to drop off passengers at any point in the City other than the KidapawanCity Overland Terminal.
There is a lockdown provision contained in EO 025, however, that calls for a prohibition of all means of private and public transportation entering Kidapawan City.
A lockdown will be implemented in the event of at least two (2) positive COVID19 cases be recorded.
An exception clause will be implemented as vehicles will be allowed entry only when it is registered and owned by residents of Kidapawan City.
In the event of a lockdown, non-residents of Kidapawan, shall be prohibited from entering the same.##(cio/ajpme/lkro)
Photo Caption – CITY GOV’T IMPLEMENTS COMMUNITY QUARANTINE:Passengers and motorists passing along the Kidapawan City – Makilala boundary are thermally scanned for presence of fever during the first day of implementation of the Community Quarantine in the city as a preventive measure against COVID19.(cio photo)