NEWS | 2022/10/14 | LKRO

The Local Government Academy of the DILG is now on its final stage of the CAPDEV formulation preliminaries in Kidapawan City. Five sectors have undergone orientation and workshop with all of its respective sub-sector agencies aiming at uplifting its current capacity status to what has been desired. These are the Environment Sector, Infra Sector, Social Sector, Institutional Sector, and Economic Sector.
As part of the new devolution pursuant to the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling, Local Government Units shall take the lead in the full implemention of all local programs, projects and activities of the government. However, it is customary that government interventions focus on performance output-based investments. Most of the time, the capacity of of government workers and officials to carry out expected performance results are overlooked. On the same cause, performance satisfaction ratings of government deliverables are jeopardized, customers are dissatisfied.
CAPDEV assures that key players in the delivery of high quality government services are given due course and attention. Proficiency trainings, promotions, technological advancement, services automation and mechanization, ease of doing business, and many others are among the capacitance that assures public of quality service through quality service providers.
All identified issues and concerns such as lack of trainings, multitasking, slow promotions and plantilla positions opportunities, low productivity and work inefficiency, financial constraints, unequipped workstations, and others shall form part in the CAPDEV formulation and be integrated in the CDP+ crafting in the upcoming years starting this 2023.