KIDAPAWAN CITY – City Mayor Atty. Jose Paolo Evangelista has committed to assist the Social Security System in implementing its programs and services especially in the barangays of this city.
The Local Chief Executive gave his commitment to SSS Vice President for Mindanao Redentor S. Viola in a courtesy call on Thursday, February 23, 2023.
Both the City Government and the SSS are in agreement that social security programs and assistance will be given better and expanded to the barangays as a means to reach out to the members and would-be members as well who have no direct access to its offices located in the city center.
This will be done through the KDAPS or Kabarangayan Dad-an sa Programa ug Serbisyo that is presently implemented by the City Government of Kidapawan.
Through this partnership, the SSS will serve its members and encourage additional membership among residents living in the villages that are distant from the city proper.
This will help ensure that social security needs of members will be covered and given, Mayor Evangelista said.
Relative to this, the City Government gave its full support to the SSS in encouraging local employers and business establishments to regularly remit the social security contributions of its workers.
This way,workers can enjoy the benefits of the services of the SSS as mandated by law.
Aside from VP Viola, also present during the courtesy call to the Mayor are Atty. Zavier Palao Head of the Legal Division of SSS General Santos City, Serafin Hingco Branch Head of SSS Tacurong, Suzette Purification Branch Head of SSS Koronadal and Gerry Blancaflor Acting Branch Head for SSS Kidapawan.
Also present were SSS officials coming from the different branches in the SOCCSKSARGEN Region and local media covering the courtesy call.##(CMO-CIO)

The Canopy ’25 is the grand mission of the City Government of Kidapawan to plant and grow Two Million Five Hundred Thousand (2.5 million) trees for a year to commemorate the 25th Charter Anniversary of Kidapawan City. The project, under the Luntian Kidapawan Program, is one of the efforts of the local government to minimize if not avoid the effects of climate change through environmental protection and conservation.
The project encompasses the whole of Kidapawan City; particularly the forests and watersheds within the Mt. Apo Natural Park, riparian zones, government properties, and idle/vacant private lots. To ensure the vegetation and rehabilitation of all areas needing canopy support, it is preferred to use suitable planting materials such as endemic species, perennial crops (fruit trees, coffee, cacao, etc.), and bamboo. National government agencies and the private sector have committed to help in the supply of these resources and other logistical needs for the project.
The project encourages community participation and sense of responsibility in our shared goal of environmental sustainability. It is a joint and partnership effort of all Kidapaweños with the local governments, national agencies especially the DENR, the academe, churches, the agricultural and business sectors, and all interested private entities. The entirety of the activity and the achievements of every involved party shall be documented through write ups, geotagged photographs, geographic information system (GIS), and online inventory platform.
A canopy manifests shelter that is a human basic need for protection, safety, and comfort. Beyond its definition, the Canopy ’25 symbolizes resources, diversity, resilience, and life. It will expectantly result to the improvement of our natural ecosystems, the water that we drink, the air that we breathe, and ultimately the overall quality of life not just for the present but most importantly for the future generation.

convened the City Local School Board on Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Important matters were discussed during the meeting. The discussions centered on the hosting of the upcoming SRAA or SOCCSKSARGEN Regional Athletic Meet by the City of Kidapawan on April 2023. Preparations have gone underway once Mayor Evangelista confirmed his intentions to host the said sporting event to the Regional DepEd Office 12. The hosting will help boost the City’s tourism industry and local economy, Mayor Evangelista said. Meanwhile, the City Government, DepEd Schools division and private schools in the city have signified their commitment in working together for the scheduled City Athletic Meet to be held on the last part of February 2023. The City Meet is vital in the preparations for the SRAA since this will serve as the selection process of athletes who will represent the City of Kidapawan in the Regional Meet. ##(CMO)

The Kidapawan City Tourism and Promotions Office conducted a Branding Workshop last January 28-
29, 2022 at the Hof Mansion Inn, Brgy. Balindog, Kidapawan City having the Technical Working Group
from different agencies and organizations as the participants and respondents.
Mr. Edgar Cadiente was invited as the resource speaker and facilitate the said activity. He is a branding
consultant and specialist who contributed some remarkable outputs in the field of tourism such as the
12th Paradise tourism brand project of Department of Tourism Region 12. During the said workshop, Mr.
Cadiente emphasized the value and importance of sustainability. He effectively let the attendees
appreciate the importance and beauty of knowing what Kidapawan has to offer, what are our
identities and what is our potential brand. The productive output of the workshop will be processed
and will serve as one of the references in coming up with a brand and its literature. This workshop is the
first of many steps we will be working with Mr. Cadiente.
The City Tourism Office is very much excited to share the output of this project in the upcoming months.
Stay updated!

KIDAPAWAN CITY – City Mayor Atty. Jose Paolo M. Evangelista on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 welcomed the traffic enforcers coming from the Regional Office 12 of the Land Transportation Office.
The Mayor reminded the LTO 12 team to exercise fairness in conducting the apprehension of violators of the No Helmet No Ride policy under FULL IMPLEMENTATION of RA 10056 “The Motorcycle Act of 2009” and other related violations under RA 4136 for all single motorcycles presently implemented by the City Government through the Traffic Management and Enforcement Unit or TMEU and the LTO.
In his brief message to the team, Mayor Evangelista revealed that LTO 12 Regional Director Macario Gonzaga is inclined to make the No Helmet No Ride Policy being implemented by the City Government to single motorcycles, a model for all Local Government Units in the region.
The said good practice promotes responsible driving and safety for all single motorcycle drivers and their back ride passengers.
Likewise, Mayor Evangelista gave his all-out support and assured the LTO 12 team of enforcers his assistance in providing the logistical needs of its personnel during the operations. ##(OFFICE OF THE CITY MAYOR)

Kidapawan City Tourism Stakeholders conducted its annual general assembly today October 27, 2022. A gathering of all Primary and Secondary Tourism Establishments in Kidapawan City participated by 130 businessmen, discussed tourism industry matters, updated Members with the Appointment of Sectoral Officers, and Directions of the Local Government.
The Chairperson, Ms. Blanca Isla-Villarico of TravelScope Travel and Tours, welcomed the participants saying that 2022 marks a year of HOPE for the Tourism Business Sector after it had endured all the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the stakeholders.
“I believe we are all in a symbiotic environment. A day tourist or a long staying tourist will share his or her day’s spending with one, two, or more tourism-related establishments in the city. And now we all need to build a more vital bridge to make specific programs to our existing Kidapawan City Tourism led programs“, Ms. Villarico said.
City Mayor, Atty. Jose Paolo M. Evangelista was represented by Ms. Janice V. Garcia, the Acting City Administrator, and she emphasized that one of the Major Thrust in his Executive Legislative Agenda is the development of Agricultural Tourism as an economic driving force of the city hence the City Government will continue to support and create programs projects for the growth of the sector.
The Supervising Tourism Operations Officer presented the Directions of the City Government particularly in the tourism Sector. Tourism Branding, Drafting the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Tourism Code highlighting Free Training to service providers, Submission of Tourist Arrival reports and 100 DOT Accredited Primary Tourism Establishments by 2024. Also, she shared on the website development, Festival of Lights, and Charter Day Preparations wherein each sector were given a chance to recommend events they wish to be hosted by the City Government.
Primary Establishments:
Secondary Establishments:
(City Tourism Promotion Office-gl//cio)

The Local Government Academy of the DILG is now on its final stage of the CAPDEV formulation preliminaries in Kidapawan City. Five sectors have undergone orientation and workshop with all of its respective sub-sector agencies aiming at uplifting its current capacity status to what has been desired. These are the Environment Sector, Infra Sector, Social Sector, Institutional Sector, and Economic Sector.
As part of the new devolution pursuant to the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling, Local Government Units shall take the lead in the full implemention of all local programs, projects and activities of the government. However, it is customary that government interventions focus on performance output-based investments. Most of the time, the capacity of of government workers and officials to carry out expected performance results are overlooked. On the same cause, performance satisfaction ratings of government deliverables are jeopardized, customers are dissatisfied.
CAPDEV assures that key players in the delivery of high quality government services are given due course and attention. Proficiency trainings, promotions, technological advancement, services automation and mechanization, ease of doing business, and many others are among the capacitance that assures public of quality service through quality service providers.
All identified issues and concerns such as lack of trainings, multitasking, slow promotions and plantilla positions opportunities, low productivity and work inefficiency, financial constraints, unequipped workstations, and others shall form part in the CAPDEV formulation and be integrated in the CDP+ crafting in the upcoming years starting this 2023.

Everyone has left except ECHO since the 2019 Series of Strong Earthquakes in Mindanao of humanitarian interventions until this post-pandemic period. With the rapid response of MOVEUP 4 in Kidapawan on October 2019 due the earthquake disaster, hundreds of displaced families from the landslide high risk areas have availed of emergency cash assistance while the project also went hand in hand with the City DRRM Council in the Camp Coordination and Camp Management. The Community Savings Group was formed to financially capacitate at least 31 affected groups cum financial literacy build up. All of the assisted CSGs have raised their start up capital up to ten folds in two years.
SUPPA II on the other hand has capacitated most of the barangay LGU surrounding the foothill of Mt Apo. Enhancement of their barangay Contingency Plans with Anticipatory Actions mechanism is seen as an unprecedented strategy of a Community-Based DRRM approach to eliminate disaster impact. Resilience is being guaranteed through the integration of the global parametrics in the management of hydro-meteorological hazards with the CDRRMO Emergency Operation Center.
Both programs that run in Kidapawan for years now is funded by European Union Humanitarian Aid (ECHO). Ms Arlene Aquino, ECHO official came to visit and checked the impact of the two projects to its beneficiaries in Kidapawan.
City Mayor Jose Paolo M. Evangelista has executed an order earlier to form a group that ensures project continuity and well-managed despite transition from change of leadership since forging of previous terms and agreements during the term of former Mayor Joseph A. Evangelista.
CDRRMO has presented measures and interventions in the four thematic areas that has greatly contributed to its DRRM in Kidapawan that are being done in partnership with MOVEUP and SUPPA projects. It includes crafting of flash flood AA protocol and the establishment of its corresponding Early Warning Device for effective monitoring and management of flooding incidents that affects vulnerable communities.
Challenges are bared especially on the supposed behavioral change of people towards disposal of their solid waste. Dumping of garbage to bodies of water such as rivers, creeks and canals is validated as mainly aggravating to recent flash flood incidents. It is seen as potentially next to maybe given due course with the future funding of ECHO.

KIDAPAWAN CITY, April 26, 2021 – Galen Ray T. Lonzaga formally assumed his post in the City Council as the No. 3 Councilor in Kidapawan City on Monday after being sworn in by Cotabato Governor Nancy A. Catamco with the presence of City Mayor Joseph A. Evangelista at the Provincial Governor’s Office, Capitol Compound, Barangay Amas this city.
Lonzaga, eldest son of City Councilor Gregorio Lonzaga replaced the latter following his resignation earlier this month as he cannot perform his duties and responsibilities anymore due to health reasons.
The younger Lonzaga will now be the Chairman of the two committees held by his father namely the Committee on Senior Citizen and Committee on City Cooperative and Vice Chair of the Committee on Barangay Affairs, and promised to instill development and advance the welfare of the sectors being catered or served by his committees.
“I would serve my constituents to the best of my ability and continue the things my father has started especially in the remaining year or more of my term as councilor”, said Lonzaga.
His wife Atrene V. Lonzaga, children, some close relatives and friends witnessed the oath taking.
Lonzaga worked as an Executive Assistant to the City Mayor and handled the City Mayor’s Barangay Affairs Office before assuming his father’s post.
Lonzaga also said he is looking forward to attend his first regular session at the Sangguniang Panlungsod ng Kidapawan on Thursday, April 28, 2021. (AJPME/jscj-CIO)

KIDAPAWAN CITY, April 26, 2021 – Some 419 senior citizens with ages ranging from 60-85 years old were inoculated with the Covid-19 vaccine in the 3-day vaccination activity by the City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (CESU) at the Kidapawan Doctors College, Inc. (KDCI) on April 22-24, 2021.
CESU Operations Chief Dr. Nerissa Paalan informed that the vaccinees came from the five densely or highly populated barangays in Kidapawan City namely Poblacion, Singao, Lanao, Sudapin and Manongol. Paalan said that consecutive cases of Covid-19 infections were previously monitored in the villages of Poblacion and Singao, thus, the more important for them to be prioritized and vaccinated.
CESU recorded 139 senior citizens on the first day of vaccination, 142 on the second day, and 138 on the third day all of whom were rigidly monitored by the CESU before, during, and after vaccination. Vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration rate and body temperature were checked every now and then to ensure they are feeling alright before the actual inoculation.
Furthermore, the CESU said no reports or complaints for any adverse reactions or untoward circumstances were heard from the vaccinees except from minor discomforts from the vaccinated part, mild dizziness, and a little feeling of uneasiness.
As this develops, Kidapawan City Mayor Joseph A. Evangelista called upon the other senior citizens not to miss this opportunity of getting the vaccine especially those with comorbidity (controlled) such as high blood, diabetes, cancer, and other sickness as they are more prone to complications once infected by the virus.
“We appeal to each eligible senior citizen to get inoculated with the Covid-19 vaccine as this is the only way we can stop the virus from spreading and from infecting more individuals.” said the Mayor.
With its Covid-19 Vaccination Roll Out Plan successfully implemented on the first roll out last March 8, 2021, the City Government of Kidapawan, through the CESU and the City Health Office (CHO) has rigorously conducted the vaccinations and following the essential measures undertaken in the conduct of vaccination.
At present, the CESU continue to advocate and campaign for the vaccination to encourage more senior citizens to accept the vaccine and be protected from the deadly virus. The office has also came up with the list of senior citizens from the other barangays and go on with the profiling of seniors eligible for the vaccination.
Meanwhile, aside from the scheduled vaccination of the senior citizens last week, the CESU has also continued to inoculate the remaining front liners in the city. A total of 88 medical and hospital personnel assigned in different Covid-19 isolation facilities were inoculated on the same occasion. (AJPME/jscj-CIO)